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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I too salute RMOG

These are a series of radio ads for Budlight called "Real Men of Genius." Not all are winners but a couple of them are hilarious. See below for lyrics to "Mr. 80 SPF Sunblock Wearer" and then listen to it on the Budlight site. Also check out "Mr. Supermarket Produce Putter Outer" and "Mr. Giant Taco Salad Inventor."

Today we salute you
Mr. 80 SPF Sunblock Wearer
(mr. 80 SPF sunblock wearer)

There are 24 hours in a day
You're wearing 80 hour protection
If the sun fails to go down...
You'll be ready.
(don't forget the moonlight)

Your coconut-scented force field
blocks out all the sun's rays
and any stray rays
from another sun
in another galaxy.
(you're a star)

30 SPF? might as well be wearing cooking oil
(something smells delicious)

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light
Mr. 80 SPF Sunblock Wearer
In fact, feel free to crack one open at high noon
In the middle of the Sahara Desert
(mr. 80 SPF sunblock wearer)

Another funny little tidbit offered by the people at Budlight...on the landing page there is a little blurb about "You know your 21 if...." the blurb changes every time you go to the site...the one I got this morning, "You know your 21 if you remember watching Menudo videos on Saturday morning TV" or "You questioned, does Smurfette just own that one dress?" - Priceless!!


The Accidental Housekeeper said...

"Is that a banana in your pocket? No, it's a plantain."

"You know your 21 if you can rock the cradle of love."

It's billy idol week here at Chez Moveelvr.

Moveelvr said...

Muy Muy Grande!!