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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Logo a No-Go - Addendum

ABC News ran a story this evening about the launch of LOGO and the impending conservative backlash that is anticipated. A spokesperson for the group "Concerned Women for America" was quoted as saying "Now they are taking their activism a step further to indoctrinate our children through a special gay network that will portray homosexuality in a positive, appealing way, legitimizing the homosexual lifestyle for children in millions of American homes.” They also called the launch of the new channel "A sad day for America"

(focus people...FOCUS!!)

With all that is going on in the world a gay cable channel is the least of our worries. The great thing about TV is that if you don't like what your watching you can change the channel. Isn't that why God made the remote control to begin with?

(change the channel and FOCUS)

Gay people are everyday people earning a living, paying taxes, voting, buying groceries, buying cars and houses. In short we are just as much productive members of society as anybody else. Can't we have a cable that too much to ask? I think there is room in your cable box for one itsy bitsy gay channel...that you don't even have to watch.

Thanks for listening and for the love of God.........FOCUS!!!