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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

No Free Breakfast Today

The morning started out well enough. It's Tuesday and that is a work from home day. I'm usually pretty excited about that in and of itself. However, today was extra special because it was the first of our brand spanking new "Quarterly Team Building Breakfasts."

I awoke extra early in anticipation of the aforementioned breakfast, eating FREE food and getting PAID to do it.....SWEET!! That shit doesn't come along everyday and you gotta jump on it!! As I was saying I was up at 5am to make sure I got some things out of the way and got ready to go. I logged on to my computer and started going through my e-mails like I always do first thing in the morning. While getting through a good majority of them by 7:30 I set the computer aside, finished my cup of coffee and was about to get in the shower. Here's where the trouble starts.

As I walk down the hall toward the shower I pass the "other" bathroom...the one in the hall that I don't shower in. I hear water dripping. I stop and turn on the light, there is water dripping from the exhaust fan and the ceiling is bulging. The cat is sitting on the edge of the sink just starring up at the ceiling and then back at me like, "What did you do?" Like it's my fault. I go back out into the living room and call the office. Now it's only 7:45 so I know the office isn't open but am hoping that the voicemail system will direct me on what to do in case of an emergency. Luckily it does.

The maintanence guy shows up about an hour later...was I freaking out the whole time...YES! He takes a look and then goes upstairs to see what is going on. He comes back down and says that the toilet upstairs was leaking. JUST FUCKING GREAT!!! Luckily the leak was in the pipe between the valve and the toilet so it was only water....whew!!! By now the ceiling is distended to the point of bursting. So he does the only logical thing and takes a screwdriver and jabs it into the ceiling and water comes gushing out. Luckily I got the smart one (with all of his teeth) and he had put a large bucket underneath. Check this out.

Yeah my ceiling is taking a leak!! So it only gets better. I swear at least 5 gallons of water came out. So he tells me that he's going to have to cut that part of the ceiling out and put up new drywall. Obviously since it is all soaking wet this will have to wait until it dries completely for fear of mold. Supposedly some one is supposed to be dropping of a de-humidifier to put in there and he is going to check back in a day or two to see if it is dry. So meanwhile my bathroom looks like this.

Yes I do realize that it could have been worse. It could have come home to a fallen ceiling and water everywhere. So I am grateful that I was home and was able to prevent an even bigger fiasco. But why today, why on the day of free food?


The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Aww, that bites. Too bad it wasn't in the living room... you could have gotten new carpet!!!

I'll but you breakfast, just come and see me.

Moveelvr said...

Actually we are coming over this weekend...I posted a comment to your "Talk about perverse... " post but it still says 0 Comments...weird!!!

The Accidental Housekeeper said...

You must come see me then.
I will buy you breakfast and not make you wear that Tshirt.

Oh, yeah baby. LEt's get this party started.

Moveelvr said...

Awwww YEAH...that's what I'm talking about!!

The Accidental Housekeeper said... me your address. I want to show you something.

Unknown said...

Came here by way of blog explosion.

Sorry about your plumbing.

Moveelvr said... free breakfast materialized.