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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Exact Change

Have you ever been behind and elderly person at a store and noticed that they always have exact change? Here is my query. If they're always giving exact change how do they get change in the first place? Are they minting it at home to supplement their social security? Are those old guys you see at the beach with metal detectors on to something? Are they melting down their jewelry? Were they depression era kids and started saving change in 1929? Is this a well kept uber-secret of aging, the ability to shit change? Is "fiber supplement" a code word for crapping pennies?

If anyone can provide any insight into this phenomenon please share!!

(also stay tuned for an update on The Giz)

1 comment:

The Accidental Housekeeper said...

"Is "fiber supplement" a code word for crapping pennies?"


I think the supplement just makes it less painful.