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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Transfer Session

Tuesday I spent the morning at AlphaCine in Seattle watching the transfer of our film footage to digital video. We're transferring to DV to edit and then will conform the negative to what we editted. It was first time I got to see the footage. It looked great!! I can't wait to start editting and get this thing done so people can see it. Also excited to learn more about Final Cut Pro...I dabbled with a little last quarter but just on a small video project for a class. Seeing the footage kinda breathed new life into and sort of made it seem real.

Stay tuned for more updates...

1 comment:

The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Dang. You get to do all the cool stuff. Today I am going to sand my bathroom walls (lead paint hoo haa)so that I may paint over the mildew before my MOther in law comes to visit.