This is the "postcard" view we enjoy on a clear day. In fact this picture probably is on a postcard somewhere. I didn't take it, just grabbed if off the net. That's Mt. Rainier in the distance. See...this is doesn't rain here ALL the time. Actually we have had an entire week of clear blue skies, sun and temps in the 80's. The forcast for this week is more of the same! Did I mention I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Northwest?
Here is a view of Mt. Adams on the way to the Sunrise Visitor's Center at Mt. Rainier. Mt. Adams is not visible from Seattle, but easily visible from Yakima, in eastern Washington state. This is an added bonus enroute to Mt. Rainier.
Further is a Mt. Rainier looming ahead on the road to Sunrise.
And finally here is Mt. Rainier from Sunrise.
Here's Chuck and The Giz settling in for the ride back home.
Completely unrelated to Mt. Rainier but a little exciting none the less. This is two of the five fire trucks in the parking lot of our apartment complex. We are not sure what exactly is going on. I'm hoping we find out soon...I'm hoping all is well in Building 3 where the trucks seem to be concentrating. More details as they become available.
(EDIT - 08/09 - 9:01AM: Turns out the balcony on apartment 307 caught fire, not sure if it was an unattended BBQ or what the deal actually is...but interesting indeed!!)
OK, thought I'd post that comment again without all the typos....
Great Pictures! Was Everyone OK after the fire?
I envy the spontaneity of your kidless lifestyle!!
PS Did Pastor Baron Von Lebanese get ahold of you?
Viewing the aftermath of the fire this morning doesn't look like it was life threatening just a little char.
No I have not heard from PBVL.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I LOVE that you changed "comments" to "helens agree" on Accidental Housekeeper. I laughed out loud!!
Yes, I'm a funny one.
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