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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Logo a No-go in Seattle

MTV's newest channel LOGO the first gay cable channel in the US launches tomorrow, June 30th, in the following cities: Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia and Atlanta. After many queries Comcast digital cable in the greater Seattle area is not carrying the channel on initial launch.

As dissapointing as this may be to all the boys and girls in the Seattle area I must remind you that there already is a gay network on's called Bravo. Bravo is truely the channel for every gay. As evidence I offer just a wee sample of their programming: Boy Meets Boy, Blow Out, Inside the Actor's Studio, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Manhunt....I rest my case. Now if soft-core porn is your niche then check out QAF or The L-Word on Showtime. Also, one can not forget Lifetime: Television for Women and Gay Men.

Until LOGO is a GO....I say Bravo...Bravo.

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