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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Let Down by the Washington State Supreme Court

Today the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the state's ban on gay marriage stating the state has "a legitimate interest in regulating relationships that produce children. " What a bunch of crap. What about the woman who's had hysterectomy or the man that has had vasectomy are they not allowed to marry because their marriage will not produce children?? So the entire purpose of marriage is to have babies? I don't think so.

The times are changing and gay marriage is coming. It wasn't so long ago that popular opinion supported slavery, segregation, refusing to let women vote, ban on interracial marriage, and on and on. Popular opinion is a risky thing to bet the farm on.

Liberty and justice for ALL beats popular opinion every time!!!

1 comment:

The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Dang, you said it man.

I find it telling that your non-sanctioned relationship with Chuck is far far more functional than my state-approved marriage.

But hey, I reproduced, so it must be OK.