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Thursday, July 13, 2006

48-Hour Film Project

So I'm just now recovering from last weekend to blog about it. I'm too getting to old for this crazy stuff....can't bounce back like I used to.

The weekend started Friday at 6pm with me meeting other team members at The Seattle Film Institute to draw our genre and find out what the other requirements would be. We drew comedy and the requirements were as follows -

Prop - Sleeping Bag
Character - Bob or Bonnie Henry, Insurance Agent
Dialouge - "I expect you to prompt - prompt and courteous."

Once the drawing was complete we headed to Bothell were the rest of the team was waiting. We phone ahead and let them know what the requirements were and by the time we arrived some serious brainstorming was underway. We finished the script about 1:30am. By time I got home and too bed it was well after 2:00am.

The alarm went off way to early...6:15am...I had to meet the crew at 7:00am at Whole Foods in Bellevue...barely had time for a shower and cup of coffee. We shot at Whole Foods tl about 8:15AM then it was off to dowtown Seattle to film in an office building and adjacent martini lounge. We wrapped about 2:00pm and headed to Bothell to shoot a kickball game...yes I said kickball game...we wrapped in Bothell about 8:00pm.

After grabbing a quick bite we headed back to Seattle to film on a rooftop on Capitol Hill. We got a great shot of the Space Needle and Lake Union at I guess it was worth it. We finished up about 10:30pm. One last location...we headed to Bellevue to shoot at a doctor's office. We finally finished about 1:15am. As you may imagine I was exhausted having only gotten about 4 hours sleep the night before and then having been up for almost 20 hours it was all I could do fall into bed. I slept tl noon on Sunday!

Despite the lack of sleep I think we did a pretty good job. The screening was Tuesday night in Seattle and we got a lot of laughs! I think we're a long shot to win but at least I thought we were on par quality wise with the other contestants.

You can see for yourself - Click Here

(Give it time to load)

Eventually I think that it will be available on the national 48-Hour Film Project site but so far they only have last years up there. There's is one more public screening tonite so I'm sure after that they'll put them on the site. In the meantime you can look at using the link above.

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