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Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Dixie Chicks, The Economy and The FMA

Oy….where to start?

The Dixie Chicks – GET OVER IT! It was three years ago. For those of you that say they are entertainers and should just shut up and sing I don’t pay to listen to your opinion, don't be a hypocrite. Not a day goes by that a celebrity isn’t saying something about something. So the next time a celebrity uses their voice to bring awareness to poverty, genocide, famine or human right issues remember to tell them to just shut up and sing. I guess freedom of speech only applies when it's inline with the popular opinion of the time. Just because someone says something you disagree with doesn't mean they don't have the right to say it.

I know the “America, love it or leave it” types don’t get it but let me try to explain it. The fact that they said what they said and didn’t get beheaded, thrown in jail or otherwise tortured or punished is EXACTLY what America is all about…not “love it or leave it.” That’s whole point – YOU CAN DISAGREE. And, by the by, people usually speak out because they love it. Patriotism is NOT just waiving the flag, bowing your head and saying yes sir, it’s speaking out, it’s taking chances, it’s about trying to make things better and it’s about having a voice!

All over the county folks vowed to never buy another Dixie Chick album or ever go to another concert, they even convinced some radio stations not to play their music. Fine that’s their choice. Some folks even went so far as to send letters saying the most horrible and hurtful things. These letters called them unpatriotic and accused them of treason and those were the “nice” one. Some of these letters included death threats, not only to the band, but death threats against the band’s (at the time) unborn children, their parents, their brothers and sisters. Now, compared to what the Dixie Chicks said about Bush, who's the bigger asshole?

Just an FYI…The Dixie Chick’s new album is #1 on the Billboard chart and is the most purchased CD from since it was released a week ago? That my friends is truly “America the Beautiful.” Hope springs eternal for the Angry Mo.

The Economy – WHO’S GETTING RICH?? It ain’t me. A recent poll reports that 60% of Americans are unhappy with how President Bush is handling the economy. Naturally Bush doesn’t get it because the economic indicators are up. Good Morning America sited gas prices as the major contributing factor to people’s dissatisfaction with the economy. While gas prices are high what I have the most problem with is how can the economic indicators look good? I don’t even really know what these indicators are but let me share some of my own indicators and then you tell me if the economy is UP?

  • Gas prices are up 49% since 2004

  • Home prices (King County, WA) are up 18% in the last year alone (**UPDATE 06/12/06 - new figures announced on the news last night...the increase over last year is 22% and in neighboring Pierce County one city saw a 32% increase. In an area that is 2,307 sq mis, roughly twice the size of the state of Rhode Island the average home price is $405,000.**)

  • Grocery prices are rising at a rate of 10% a year

  • Healthcare costs are up over 15% since 2004

  • My salary is up 4% since 2004

Hmmmm, you can definitely count me in the 60% of Americans that are unhappy with the way the economy is being handled. GRRRRRRR!

The FMA – LEGALIZING DISCRIMINATION. Nice, “all men are created equal”, which apparently only applies only to white heterosexual men with a PSI of at least of $98,234.67.43. With all the talk of family values and 50% of marriages ending in divorce I’m not sure I fully understand what the problem is. As a gay man, who is an American citizen, I feel that I have the right to marry my partner of 5 years. I find it insanely ridiculous that I could walk down the street, conk the first girl I see over the head and drag her off to the courthouse and get married no questions asked.

I’m about 99.99999999999% certain that the opposition is based on religious belief. That’s fine you have your belief, as do I, yes gay people believe in God. I’m fully 150% behind you, and respect your belief. However, I’m not asking that my marriage be recognized by you OR your church, I’m asking that it be recognized by the so-called non-religious government. All I want, as a taxpaying American, is equal protection under the law. My partner and I live as a married couple, we are monogamous, we combine our incomes, we make decisions based on our mutual success, we share hopes and dreams and have a made a life together.

Throughout American history, the Constitution has been amended to expand and protect the rights and liberties of the American people. It has been amended to abolish slavery, and give women and young people the right to vote. It should not be used to single out some Americans for discrimination. As gay Americans we are just a regular people, we go to work, pay our bills and our taxes, respect our neighbors and are just trying to get ahead like everyone else. We aren’t asking for special right, we are asking, if not demanding, equal rights. We just want to be treated like everyone else.

This is a civil issue NOT a religious one.


The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Once again, you've so eloquently put into words exactly how I feel. Why is it that you got the intelligent part of our brain? I'm glad all the brain cells I lost while being a mom weren't the good ones.. you got all of those.

Love you

Marti said...

Stumbled over here from Accidental Housekeeper. I'm late (duh LOL)

I agree. I ususally just write happy, happy stuff, but I am pissed, so yesterday I updated the words to the old Vietnam war song by Country Joe and the Fish. Few of my regular readers have commented. I guess no one wants to think about the truth. Just be happy happy and ignore the war, taxes, slipping economy and everything bad. I like the Dixie Chicks and if I had the money, I'd buy their album. I applaud anyone who has the nerve to stand up and say, things ain't quite right folks.

Sorry my first comment is a rant LOL

I'm not at Blogger any more but if you go there, I have a link to my own domain where I am now.

Thank you for standing up and saying something.