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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thank You For Being A Friend
Friday, November 07, 2008
It's Already Started
Earlier today CNN posted the following article: Young conservatives: RNC must adopt Obama's online model
A quick visit to their website, "Rebuild the Party - A plan for the future", and you'll see they are setting some pretty lofty and scary goals. Among them: recruit 5 million new online activists, establish 5,000 activists per US Representative district and 7,500 per US Senate district in time for the 2010 election. Howard Dean launched the "50 State program" for the DNC and now they are calling for a "435 District" plan for the RNC.
It seems that one fall out from Obama's hugely successful internet campaign and heavy reliance on new technology, i.e., e-mail, text messaging, etc. is just what this young conservative group is looking for. Their "new plan" for the RNC pretty copies Obama's online and technology strategy.
We must stay focused and ACTIVE!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Witness to History!
I will never forget where I was on November 4th, 2008 when Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America. For the rest of my life, the joy, the pride, the relief, and the overwhelming love for my country that has overtaken me tonight, will never fade from my memory.
Emotions are still raw, but it is not about who won or who lost. This is a victory for ALL Americans. Finally a promise is fulfilled. The promise that "all men are created equal". There is still work to be done and battles to win. As Obama said in is acceptance speech tonight, "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep", but for the first time in my life I think we have a chance to transform our country and the world. I am answering the new President's call for "...a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice...let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other". Will you answer the call with me?
We can not rest easy knowing that we've won. Those that still seek to divide this country into black and white, conservative and liberal, gay and straight, democrat and republican, rich and poor, are not going away tomorrow just because we won today. I guarantee you they will continue to grow, re-energize and emerge in 2012 stronger than ever. It is up to us to remind these dividers that we are also VOTERS! However, we must also remind those currently in power and those elected tonight, including the President-elect, that this election is not a blank check, they too are accountable to us. We must ensure that they do not abuse their new power, that they hold true to their word and that they themselves do not attempt to divide us. We must demand results.
Tonight President-elect Obama said, "This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only a chance for us to make that change". So true. Each one of us has the responsibility to keep the light of hope burning. We can not let inaction or apathy dim the future that so brightly shines before us. We must all stay energized and informed. Write to your city, county, state, and national officials, if you don't know who they are find out (e-mail me I'll find out for you), write letters to the editor, post on blogs, create a podcast, go to a city council meeting, do whatever you can to keep this momentum going. This is our country, we can take it back, it can truly be "of the people, for the people and by the people", but "We the people" need to get involved.
We can, we did and we must!
Monday, October 22, 2007
By Popular Demand...
The north side of The White House as seen from Lafayette Square.
Looking west at sunset from steps of the Capitol Building.
The World War II Monument at night.
The south side of the Jefferson Memorial with the Wasington Monument in the background.
The Iwo Jima Memorial on the Arlington side of the Potomac.
The Lincoln Memorial seen from the top of The Washington Monument.
The Jefferson Memorial seen from The Washington Monument.
The south side of The White House from atop The Washington Monument.
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.
Chuck at The Lincoln Memorial.
The Capitol Rotunda
The Old House of Representatives Chamber in the US Capitol Building.
The Old Supreme Court Chamber in the US Capitol Builiding.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Days Three and Four
Here's some pics...
This the actual first page of The Constitution at the National Archives.
This is the interior of The National Building Musuem. This beautiful room is home to one of the Presidential Inaguartion Balls.
This is a reproduction of a paintinf of Abraham Lincoln at the National Portrait Gallery. The original hangs in The White House above the firelplace in the state dinning room. Which we saw when we toured The White House, however no cameras are allowed in TWH.
The front of Mt. Vernon, George Wasington's home on the Potomac river. Also located here is the tomb where George and Marth Washington are buried.
The Eternal Flame marking the gravesite of President and Mrs. Kennedy.
At Dupont Circle we ate dinner at Afterwords Cafe...crab cake appetizer and for dinner...lobster, asparagus and marscapone cheese ravioli...YUM!!!!! Oh yeah and pecan rum cake for dessert!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Day Two
After hitting the Starbucks across the street from the hotel we made our way to the Castle.
Inside the Sample Exhibits Hall...just what the name implies it's a sampling of things you'll see in each of the museums of the Institute.
Here are some of the highlights...there was so much to see...I took 264 pictures.
The Ruby Slippers
Mr. Roger's Sweater
From the National Art Gallery - The only DaVinci painting in the United States
From the Natural History Museum - A Fossil...
...and a rock - The Hope Diamond
After all that we then went to "The Capitol Steps" funny comedy show where they change lyrics of well-known songs to fit political figures. Then a hamburger...mmm...delicious!!
Tomorrow more walking.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
DC - Day One
We got to our hotel and it is right in the middle of everything. Here are some picks of our evening walk.
The Old Post Office
The White House
The Washington Monument
Old Executive Office Building (west of White House)
That's about all the time and energy for this evening. We went back to the hotel and had dinner at Harry's it was a warm evening and they had patio/sidewalk seating.
Time for bed and tomorrow....The Smithsonian! Ruby Slippers here I come!